Foundation Scholarships

Scotland Memorial Foundation is committed to improving the health of the communities we serve by advancing

educational opportunities in the healthcare field for local students, who will hopefully return home for careers with

Scotland Health Care System.


Deadline: March 5, 2025

W.R. Dulin Memorial Scholarship


  • One merit-based scholarship will be awarded. 
  • Scotland High School Senior 
  • Achieved at least a 3.8 GPA 
  • Accepted into an institution where they plan to enter a health care related course of study. 

Scotland Memorial Foundation Merit/Community Based Scholarship


  • One merit-based/community service-based scholarship will be awarded.
  • Achieved at least a 3.5 GPA 
  • Must provide documentation of community service activities and hours. 
  • Must reside in SHCS Service Area* or be the Dependent Child of a SHCS Associate. 
  • Accepted into an institution where they plan to enter a health care related course of study. 

Allied Health/Nursing Scholarship


  • Two scholarships will be awarded. Merit- and Need-Based Scholarship 
  • Achieved at least a 3.2 GPA 
  • Must reside in SHCS Service Area* or be the Dependent Child of a SHCS Associate. 
  • Applicant must express a need for financial assistance. 
  • Accepted into an institution where they plan to enter an Allied Health or Nursing Program. 
  • Emphasis given to students attending Richmond Community College, UNCP, St. Andrews University, Robeson Community College, Sandhills Community College. 

Scotland Memorial Foundation Nursing/Allied Health Higher Education Scholarship


  • Two scholarships will be awarded.
  • Applicants will have completed a minimum of 60 hours of undergraduate study by June of 2023
  • Applicants will submit proof they have been accepted into a healthcare program of study for either undergraduate or graduate school (accepted and enrolled). 
  • Applicants will have a minimum 3.2 cumulative undergraduate GPA and submit their official undergraduate transcript(s). 
  • Applicants will be a teammate at Scotland Health Care System, the dependent of a teammate at Scotland Health Care System or reside within the SHCS Service Area*. 
  • Emphasis and preference will be given to students attending Richmond Community College, UNCP, St. Andrews University, Robeson Community College, Sandhills Community College. 
  • Priority will be given to candidates pursuing a career in Nursing or Allied Health field of study.

Charles Jenkins Memorial Scholarship


  • One scholarship will be awarded. 
  • Applicants will have completed a minimum of 60 hours of undergraduate study by June of 2024
  • Applicants will submit proof they have been accepted into a healthcare program of study for either undergraduate or graduate school (accepted and enrolled). 
  • Applicants will have a minimum 3.2 cumulative undergraduate GPA and submit their official undergraduate transcript(s). 
  • Applicants will be a teammate at Scotland Health Care System, the dependent of a teammate at Scotland Health Care System or reside within the SHCS Service Area*. 
  • Emphasis and preference will first be given to students attending UNCP followed by Richmond Community College, St. Andrews University, Robeson Community College, Sandhills Community College. 

Laurinburg Kiwanis Club Endowed Scholarship


  • Must be a current employee of Scotland Health Care System. Preference will be given to residents of Scotland County. In the absence of a qualified candidate from this area, other applicants residing in the service area(s) will be considered.
  • Associates in a full-time status will be given first consideration for this award.
  • An application and all requested attachments must be completed and submitted in a timely manner for consideration of the Kiwanis award.
  • Award will be paid directly to the institution of higher learning. 
  • The service obligation will align with the guidelines from Human Resources.

Recipients of the 6 scholarship awards (described below) will be reviewed and selected by the Foundation Scholarship committee with SMF Board approval. This represents $15,500 in awards with $8,000 (4 awards) awarded to high school students entering a healthcare field and $7,500 (3 awards) to students currently enrolled in healthcare higher education (college or university) with priority given to individuals pursuing advanced nursing/allied health degree. Additionally, students attending local institutions of higher education will receive preference. Recipients of The Joyce Smith Scholarship & Ruth Bisbee Scholarship award will be reviewed, selected, and approved by Scotland Health Care System Auxiliary Manager. This represents $3,000 in awards awarded to high school students entering a healthcare field.

*Students who are the dependent child of a Scotland Health Care System Associate or reside in the following zip codes are eligible for Scotland Memorial Foundation Scholarships:
28343 - Gibson  | 28351 - Laurel Hill  | 28352 - Laurinburg  |28364 - Maxton  | 28372 - Pembroke Area
28377 - Red Springs  | 28383 - Rowland  | 28396 - Wagram  | 29512 - Bennettsville  | 29570 - McColl  | 29525 - Clio

Questions? Contact Chanel Carmichael


Greg Wood Legacy Fund: Growing our Workforce Pipeline

In 2023, Greg Wood, past President and CEO, was honored with the naming of the Legacy Fund and Scholarship. Your donations helped seed this fun with $150,000 to aid in growing our pipeline of healthcare workers especially nurses. The program provides up to 2 years of prepaid coverage of tuition, books, and fees up to $12,000 per year.

Applicants must be current Scotland Health Care System Associates.

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