In 2002, The Highland Society was created to thank and recognize those people, businesses and organizations that have made significant contributions, cumulatively totaling at least $1000, to Scotland Memorial Foundation in the calendar year. Now several years later, we are humbled by and grateful for not only those members who give at this level year after year, but also for those who have achieved membership in the Skye Club.
The Skye Club is a special group of people, businesses and organizations who have given at least $25,000 since the year 2000. This special group is recognized as lifetime members of the Highland Society.
Mrs. Jamie Adams+
Mrs. Nancy Adcock
AJ Gallagher Insurance
Alex Brown - Division of Raymond James
Ms. Brandy Alfredson+
Angelo's Care Home, Inc.+
Atrium Health Foundation
Baker Roofing+
Mr. David Bales
Mr. Marc and Mrs. Brandy Baysek
Bill Evans Company/Trophy World
Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Katilda Blackmon
Ms. Sonja Boles
Mrs. Tracy Bowman
Brady's Flowers
Mr. Mark R. Brown
Cape Fear Valley Health
Mr. Danny and Mrs. Carolina Caddell
Ms. Emory Campbell+
Ms. La'Toscha Campbell+
Dr. Ralph E. and Mrs. Sandra Carter, III
Charlie Wallace - State Farm Insurance+
Charlotte Radiology
The Christman Company
Mr. John C. and Mrs. Elizabeth Cooley
Mr. Steven "Glen" and Mrs. Terri Cowan, PA
Crothall Healthcare
Mrs. Robin Crump
Ms. Laurinda A. Cummings
C.W. And Dorothy G. Love Foundation
Mrs. Patricia Dial
Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Margaret Dickerson
Domtar Tatum Converting
Mrs. Tina Driggers
Duke Cancer Network
Dr. Ronald Dupler and Mr. Blake Howell
Dysphagia & Voice Therapeutics PLLC+
Earl's Electrical, Heating & Air Conditioning
Ms. Anna Eddy+
Mr. LeQuinton Ellerbe+
Ms. Nancy Ellerbe+
The Honorable Craig and Mrs. Patricia Ellis
Mr. James and Mrs. June C. Ellis
Mrs. Lorene Evans*
Mr. John Ferguson
Firsthealth of the Carolinas
Focus on Hope Foundation
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Farrah Foshay
Mr. Michael W. and Mrs. Lynn Frease
Mrs. Candice Freeman
Mr. Eric and Dr. Ashleigh Freeman
Mr. Bo and Mrs. Amy Frizzell
Mrs. Michaela R. Goins
Ms. BJ Goodridge
Mr. James and Mrs. Claire Graham
Mr. Tyler and Mrs. Whitney Graves+
Mr. Jerry Griffith and Mrs. Juanita Swinney-Griffith
Dr. Debby Hanmer
Mr. David and Mrs. Ellen Harling
Dr. Glenn R. and Mrs. Becky Harris
Hasty Realty
Mr. Raymond E. and Mrs. Chaty Herring
Mrs. Donna Hicks
Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Deborah Hobbs
Mrs. Tammy Holloway
Mr. Tim and Mrs. Beatrice "Bebe" Holt
Mr. Hampton and Mrs. Phyllis Hubbard
Dr. H.H. "Bear" and Mrs. Rebecca Hughes, III
Mrs. Karen Jenkins
Jersey Mike's Subs
Mr. Allen and Mrs. Meg Johnson
Mr. Jeremy and Mrs. Bess Johnson
Mr. Todd and Mrs. Robin Jones
Mr. Walt and Mrs. Laura Jones
Lab Corp of America Holdings+
Dr. Sohail and Mrs. Asma Lateef
Dr. Olujide and Dr. Gani Lawal
Mr. Alan and Mrs. Wanda Livingston
Ms. Crystal Locklear
Mrs. Judy Locklear
Mrs. Rebecca Locklear-Ferron
Mrs. Tamra Lowry+
Lumbee Guaranty Bank
Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina
Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Angela Mackey
Mr. Dwight B. "Bruce" and Dr. Lisa Mansur
Mabry's Drug and Home Care
Marlboro Academy+
Marlboro County General Hospital Foundation
Marty Wright Home Sales
Mrs. Lynn Massey
McCulloch England Architects
Mr. Beacham and Mrs. Lynn McDougald
Mr. Allen and Mrs. Jane McLaurin
Mr. John McLaurin and Dr. Autumn Lauzon
Ms. Jill McLester+
Mr. William and Mrs. Misty McMillan
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Konni McMurray
Mr. Hubert and Mrs. Christi Meggs+
Miyako Japanese Cuisine
The Morgan Foundation, Inc.
Moore Floors, Inc.
Mr. Chris and Mrs. Grace Murray
Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Kathrine Nederostek
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Carol Nichols
Ms. Marcie Nor
North Carolina Healthcare Association (NCHF)
NSG (Pilkington North America, Inc.)
Ms. Kay Kilby Nuritdinov
OrthoCarolina- Scotland
Mrs. Lillian Owens
Ms. Caroline Oxendine
Parker, Smith, & Feek, Inc.
Pinehurst Surgical Vascular Surgery & Vein Care
Mr. Charlie and Mrs. Sissy Pittman
Mr. David and Mrs. Jeannie Pope
Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Melanie Pracht
Precision Contractors, Inc.
Priority One Home Healthcare
Mr. William R. and Mrs. Terri Purcell, II
Rhetson Companies Inc.+
Richmond Community College Foundation
The Honorable Christopher Rhue and Dr. Jennifer Isenhour
Robeson Health Care Corporation
Dr. Jonathan D. and Mrs. Annette Rowson
Scope Anesthesia of North Carolina, PLLC
Scotia Village
Scotland Christian Academy School+
Scotland County Economic Development Corp.
Scotland County Tourism Development Authority, TDA
Scotland Health Care System Auxiliary
Scotland Health Care System
Scotland Motors, Inc.
Scottish Pines Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Service Thread Co.
Mr. Wilbur "Chip" G. and Mrs. Evelyn B. Shytle, Jr.
Dr. John A. Smid
Mrs. Karen Smith
Ms. Mary W. Smith+
Mr. Paul J. Smith, Jr.
Dr. Tala Parsons Smith
Southernway Catering
Mr. Lucien and Mrs. Patricia St. Onge
Ms. Rebecca Taylor+
Mr. Charles E. and Mrs. Anne Todd
Mr. James and Mrs. Julieann Todd
Town of Pembroke+
Trinity Schools Leadership+
Mr. William and Mrs. Dorothy Tyson
UNC Pembroke Athletics Department
Valley Radiology+
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Diane Vinson
Ms. Virginia Voss
Wade S. Dunbar Insurance Agency
Mr. Cecil and Mrs. Nancy Walker
Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Samantha Walker
Mr. Travis Wallace+
Mr. Joe Warner
Ms. Jennifer Wilkes
Dr. Jeremy and Mrs. Sandra Wilkes
Mr. Bradley M. and Mrs. Sarah Williams
Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Emily Womble
Mr. Greg Wood and Mrs. Janet Smith
Z.V. Pate Foundation, Inc.
Great care has been given to ensure the accuracy of this list.
If an error has been made, we apologize and ask that you please let us know by calling 910.291.7543
+ denotes a new Highland Society Member
Loch Ness ($250,000+)
The Cannon Foundation @
The Duke Endowment @
The Golden L.E.A.F. Foundation @
Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust @
C.W. And Dorothy G. Love Foundation
Marlboro County General Hospital Foundation
The Morgan Foundation, Inc.
Scotland Health Care System Auxiliary
Loch Lomond ($100,000 - $249,000)
Brady's Flowers
Campbell Soup Supply Company
Mrs. Eloise Carter *
Mr. John C. and Mrs. Elizabeth Cooley
First Bank
Dr. Thomas F. Henley - Focus on Hope Foundation
Mrs. Betty U. Hasty *
HealthKeeperz, Inc.
Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Deborah Hobbs
Jersey Mike's Subs
McCulloch England Architects
Evelyn M. Murphy Trust
Nic's Pic Kwik
North Carolina General Assembly
North Carolina Healthcare Foundation
North Carolina Rural Ecomomic Development Center @
Susan G. Komen for the Cure @
Service Thread Co.
Mr. Herchiel and Mrs. Sherry Sims, Jr.
Martha McNair Tornow Estate
Mrs. Sarah Pate Townsend Estate
Wells Fargo
Mr. Greg Wood and Mrs. Janet Smith
Loch Mora ($50,000 - $99,999)
Abbott Laboratories
Atrium Health Foundation
Butler Manufacturing Co. @
Charlotte Radiology
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Kirsten Dean
Duke Cancer Network
Mrs. Sibyle Dulin
Mr. S. Hewitt and Mrs. Martha Fulton III
Hasty Realty / Mr. Guy and Mrs. Flora McCook, Jr.
Dr. H.H "Bear" and Mrs. Rebecca Hughes, III
Mr. James W. and Mrs. Lynn Mason, III
Col. David M. Miller *
Morrison Healthcare Food Services
Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Kathrine Nederostek
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Carol Nichols
North Carolina Community Foundation @
NSG (Pilkington North America, Inc.)
OrthoCarolina- Scotland
Mrs. Lillian C. Owens
Mr. H. Reginald and Mrs. Patricia Poteat
Mr. Matthew & Mrs. Melanie Pracht
Precision Contractors, Inc.
The Purcell Clinic
The Honorable Christopher Rhue and Dr. Jennifer Isenhour
Dr. Jonathan D. and Mrs. Annette Rowson
Dr. Paul F. and Mrs. Judy Rush
Scotland Health Care System
Scotland Motors, Inc.
Scottish Pines Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Mr. Paul J. Smith, Sr. *
Z. V. Pate Foundation, Inc.
Loch Tay ($25,000 - $49,999)
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Barbara Alexander
Apollo MD+
Bill Evans Company/Trophy World
Dr. Joseph A. and Dr. Annette Burke
Mrs. Kyle Bethel
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Beverly Brooks (The Paul & Pauline Brooks Family *)
Dr. Ralph E. and Mrs. Sandra Carter, III
Compassionate Counseling Services, LLC
Eaton Corporation
The Honorable B. Craig and Mrs. Patricia Ellis
Mr. James and Mrs. June C. Ellis
Mr. John Ferguson
Mr. Hewitt Fulton*
Ms. Betsy Gordon
Gryphon Group Security Solutions, LLC
Dr. R. Kenneth and Mrs. Ginny Harrell
Dr. William and Mrs. Amy Harris
Dr. Ernest L. Helms, III
Mr. James E. and Mrs. Carla Herring, Jr.
Mrs. Donna Hicks
Mr. Tom and Mrs. Shari Hudson
Dr. Charles * and Mrs. Karen Jenkins
Kiwanis Club
Dr. Mark K. Lavigne and Dr. Tharon C. Howard
Mr. Derek and Dr. Shelly Lowery+
Lumbee Guaranty Bank
Mabry's Drug and Home Care
Anne S. McBryde Family Foundation @
Mrs. Carol McCall
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Joyce McDow
Mr. Allen and Mrs. Jane McLaurin
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Konni McMurray
Dr. John R. and Mrs. Penny Nobles
Loch Tay ($25,000 - $49,999) cont'd
Oban Anesthesia Consultants
The Park Foundation @
Pinehurst Surgical Vascular Surgery & Vein Care
Mr. Charlie and Mrs. Sissy Pittman/Pittman Electric
Mr. David and Mrs. Jeannie Pope+
Poteat Hospitality Associates, LLC
Primary Health Choice & A Primary Choice - Mr. Thad Davis and Dr. Cheryl Davis
Priority One Home Healthcare+
Mr. William R. and Mrs. Terri Purcell, II
Mr. Richard S. and Mrs. Jane B. Rogers
Sodexo Facility Solutions
State Farm - Danny Caddell
State of North Carolina Department of Commerce @
The UPS Store
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Diane Vinson
Wade S. Dunbar Insurance Agency
Mr. Cecil and Mrs. Nancy Walker
Mrs. Ruth A. Glaser and Mr. Garland R. Woolard, Jr.
500 Lauchwood Drive
Laurinburg, NC 28352
Phone: 910-291-7551