Plant the seeds of giving today for a lasting impact tomorrow.

Scotland Memorial Foundation’s Fulton-Tornow Society  recognizes generous individuals who intend to perpetuate excellent health care in our community through a planned gift to benefit Scotland Health Care System.

By including Scotland Memorial Foundation in your estate plan, you will be leaving a legacy of support which will help the Foundation enhance the quality of care provided by Scotland Health Care System.


Planned giving is a meaningful way to show your support and appreciation for the Scotland Health Care System while accommodating your own personal, financial, and philanthropic goals. With planning, you may actually increase the size of your estate and/or reduce the tax burden on your heirs. Just as important, you are making significant contribution to the Scotland Health Care System and the communities it serves.


Legacy Gifts

      Examples of legacy gifts include:

  • Bequests
  • Life Insurance
  • Retirement Assets
  • Charitable Remainder Trust/Annuity Trust
  • Charitable Gift Annuity/Lead Trust

Fulton-Tornow Society Members

Mrs. Nancy Adcock

Dr. Bradley H. Bethel * c

Mrs. Kyle Bethel c

Mr. and Mrs. Charles * G. Buie, Jr.

Mrs. Kirsten Dean

Mrs. Sibyle Dulin c

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne* Evans

Mr. Hewitt and Mrs. Katherine Fulton *

Mr. David and Mrs. Ellen Harling

Mrs. Betty U. Hasty *

Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Deborah Hobbs

Dr. H.H. and Mrs. Rebecca Hughes, III

Dr. Charles * and Mrs. Karen Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mason, III

Mr. Guy and Mrs. Flora McCook, Jr.

Mr. Allen & Mrs. Jane McLaurin

Ms. Kay Kilby Nuritdinov

Mrs. Lillian C. Owens c

Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Melanie Pracht

The Honorable Chris Rhue and Dr. Jennifer Isenhour

Mr. Paul J. Smith, Sr. * c

Mrs. Martha McNair Tornow * c

Dr. Winston Tornow * c

Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Venable

Mr. Michael and Mrs. Diane Vinson

Mr. Jim and Mrs. Frances Willis c

Mr. Gregory Wood and Mrs. Janet Smith

Key: + Denotes New Highland Society Skye Club, or Fulton-Turnow Society Members

C Denotes Charter Member of Fulton-Tornow Society

@ Denotes Granting Organization

*Denotes member is deceased

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