Tartan Club

Our Associate Giving Program

The Tartan Club offers an opportunity for all Scotland Health Care System associates to participate in the mission of the Foundation. 

While our health care system strives to provide high quality compassionate health care, the Foundation works to provide the financial resources for current and future needs. 

Members contribute a minimum of one hour's pay per month to the Foundation. Contributions are made through payroll deduction and are tax deductible.

Join Now!

Where does my money go?

This year your gift through the Tartan Club

will support the following: 

CAPE Fund, Foundation Grants Program,

and The Greg Wood Legacy Fund

The Catastrophic Assistance Program for Employees is there for associates when they need it most. The CAPE Fund provides financial assistance in the event of an unexpected emergency, whether that’s a hurricane, a house fire, or illness. 

The Foundation Grants Program is available to address the 

ongoing need for new programs, new services, and greater

community outreach to benefit citizens throughout the

SHCS service area. YOUR contributions to the Tartan Club

go back to YOUR departments to enhance the lives of our 

friends, family, and neighbors throughout the communities we serve.

The Greg Wood Legacy Fund supports education to grow our workforce pipeline.

Having a desire to be able to help others

Amanda Hunt is the Office Coordinator at Maxton Family Practice and has been a Tartan Club member since 2023. 

“Having a desire to be able to help others during unforeseen life circumstances is the reason why I joined the Tartan Club. I feel like it is very important to give to the Tartan Club because the support could be life-changing to others or even yourself.” 

If there is a need, the funding is there

Robert Richardson is the Warehouse Manager at Scotland Memorial Hospital and has worked with Scotland Health for over 44 years. 

“No one knows when trials and circumstances may occur. It helps my fellow associates so if there is a need, the funding is there"

It is good to know that there are resources available during those difficult times

Felicia Quick is a Registered Nurse at Scotland Memorial Hospital. She has been with Women's Services since 2018.

“We all have or will have hardships in life, and it is good to know that there are resources available during those difficult times. The Tartan Club is one of those resources and it brings me a sense or joy knowing that I can be a blessing to others as I have been blessed also.” 

Tartan Club Members

Aaron J. Smith

Abigail Milligan

Alaina G. Biernacki

Alana R. Hatcher

Albert Green

Alexandria Bailey

Alexis Hunt

Allison B. Barnes

Allison Bailey

Allyson English

Allyson Warren

Amanda Houlton

Amanda K. Hunt

Amanda Simmons

Amanda Young

Amelia Chavis

Amy Blue

Amy Hayward

Amy Jacobs

Amy Robertson

Andrea Bartley

Andrea Fields

Andrea Pruitt

Angel Adkins

Angela Lake

Angela M. McKenzie

Angela Mackey

Angela McIver

Angie Hale

Anna M. Ivey

Anne Hoover

April Allen

April Garner

April Hatcher

April McDonald

April Posley

Ashleigh Freeman

Ashley Andrews

Ashley Gibson

Ashley Hunt

Ashley McKinley

Ashley Williams

Ashton A. Goins

Augusta S. Baumgardner

Austin Simmons

Bailey McCall

Beatrice Holt

Bertrand Buchanan

Betty Goodridge

Bobbie Locklear

Brandi Dowdy

Brandy Baysek

Brenda Dixon

Brian Pate

Brianna Barton

Brianna Douglas

Brianna Self

Britany Sewell

Brittany Dunn

Brittany Herndon

Brittany Locklear

Brittany Pate

Britteny Clark

Brittnee Benton

Brooke Barbara

Bryan Cherry

Callie Fricks

Camesha Bethea

Candace Smith

Candice Freeman

Candice Sams

Candice Williamson

Carey Garrigus

Carla Horton

Carol Sweatt

Caroline Oxendine

Cassandria M. Leviner

Cassi Horne

Cecilia Wilson

Chanel Carmichael

Charles E. Jackson

Chelsea M. Hunt

Chelsea Oxendine

Cheryl L. Norton

Chinna Hale

Christi Brumbles

Christi Meggs

Christie Oxendine

Christina R. Anderson

Christina Tyler

Chyna M. Clark

Cindy Goins

Claire Graham

Clementine S. Fields

Colby O. Altman

Colleen Locklear

Connie Keith

Courtney Farmer

Courtney Williams

Crystal Locklear

Cynthia Smith

Daisy Smith

Dana E. Blubello

Dana Willoughby

Danielle Bailey

Darlene Marshall

David Bales

David Hibbard

Dawn Odom

Dawne Swing

Deanna Maynor

Debby R. Nettles

Delia Watts

Demarcus Gause

Deon Cranford

Derendia O. Moody

Destini Deese

Destiny Barfield

Destiny Burns

Destiny D. McDowell

Diamond Oxendine

Diane S. Plymale

Donjinina Robinson

Donna J. Locklear

Donna Todd

Edith Y. Bears

Elaine Gazoo

Eleshea Harrington

Elizabeth A. Carter

Elizabeth McLean

Elizabeth Miles

Emily Hall

Emma E. Ellerbe

Eric Hunt

Erica M. Thomas

Erin B. Baiely

Ethel Powers

Ezekiel Swiney

Faith Campbell

Felicia Quick

Freda Jacobs

Garry D. McMillian

Gary Nance

Geraldine Griggs

Gloria Bethea

Guwanna Rocha

Hasty Realty

Haylee Cook

Heather D. Oxendine 

Hildreth A. McMillan

Hope Scott

Imani Fortune

Iris L. Locklear

Jacob D. Locklear

Jacob Locklear

Jacqueline Jamerson

Jakobe A. Locklear

Jalyn Locklear

James Perry

Janel G. Smith

Janet Davis

Jasmine Hart

Jenn Pate

Jennifer Lawson

Jennifer Sanford

Jennifer Watts

Jennifer Wilkes

Jeraud McCrimmon

Jessica B. Simmons

Jessica Burnett

Jessica Hunt

Jessica L. Rivas

Jessica Sides

Jewelletta Dixon

Jo Ann Williams

Joan C. Brock

Joanie C. Pilcher

Josephine Mills

Juanita Swinney-Griffith

Kaci Locklear

Kaila Bartley

Kaitlyn Edwards

Kalee Freeman

Karen Mills

Karen Smith

Kathleen Macalalag

Kathy Antaya

Kathy Hardin

Katlyn Cummings

Kayli E. Shelley

Kaytlin Short

Kelly Kirk

Kenyatta Morrison-Love

Kimberly Collins

Kimberly E. Josey

Kimberly Johnson

Kimberly Patterson

Kisse Phy

Korie A. Hatcher

Krystal Phifer

LaCourtne S. Lindsey

Lashay Crawford

Latonya Diggs

La'Toscha Campbell

Latoya S. Monley

Laurie Holder

Laurinda A. Cummings

Layla Jones

Leah Price

Leandra Carolus

Lee Ann Walker

Lee Carter

Leigh-Kendra Locklear

Lesia Pierce

Lesley Herring

Leslie Lewis

Leslie Lovette

Linda Craft

Linda Ward

Lindsay E. Reese

Lindsey Wright

Lisa D. Hunt

Lisa Keyes

Lisa Locklear

Lisa Thomas

Lois Snead

Lolita German

Lonny K. Gibson

Lorenza Carthens

Loretta Patrick

Lori Wiggins

Louis Graves

Lula F. Martin

Lydia Hunt

Lytena Hunt

Mackenzie Bell

Madelyn Locklear

Madison Blue

Madison Wilson

Mallory Dial

Marcie Nor

Margaret Locklear

Margie Hammonds

Maria S. Scott

Mark R. Brown

Marlene McQueen

Marquia Faulk

Marquita Brown

Mary Callahan-Lopez

Mary Driggers

Mary Gaskins

Mary W. Smith

Mary Williams

Matthew Collins

McKenzie A. Jordan

Megan Oxendine

Melanie Thompson

Melisa Ciarrocca

Melissa Locklear

Melissa Mace

Melissa Smith

Meredith N. Gaskins

Michael W. Frease

Michaela R. Goins

Michell Jones

Michelle D. Herberg

Misty McMillan

Mollie Jones

Mona Taylor

Monique Cayton

Morgan Johnson

Morgan Locklear

Morgan R. Krout

Nancy C. Rogers

Nancy Stricklin

Natalie Leonhardt

Natasha Caulder

Natasha Locklear

Natasha McDaniels

Nicole McInnis

Nikita P. DeBerry

Olivia G. Locklear

Paige L. Chmura

Patricia Dial

Racheal Collins

Raven A. Fowler

Rebecca A. Scott

Rebecca Ferron

Rebecca Scott

Rebecca Taylor

Rebecca Thompson

Renee L. Harvey

Rilee Sheppard

Robert Richardson

Robin Chapman

Robin Crump

Roselene Chavis

Rosemary Pittman

Sandra K. Bell

Sarah S. David

Satoria Brown

Savannah L. Goodwin

Selena Brooks

Selena Graham

Shaina V. Floyd

Shanna Jones

Shannon Alford

Shannon Prevatte

Sharina M. Hines

Sharon L. Lee

Shavonda S. Collins

Sheena Harris

Sheila H. Brown

Sheila McRae

Shellene Short

Sherry McDonald

Shyann Chavis

Sicily Galbreath

Sonia McCormick

Sonja Boles

Sonja Green

Stella Graham

Stephanie J. Moore

Stephen Herrington

Steve R. McAllister

Sue Ellen Parrish

Susan M. Bryant

Susan Perhealth

Susan Teal

Suset Locklear

Suzanne S. Floyd

Sydney T. Kenny

Synekia Bouie

Tabatha Bryant

TaHari Harris

Talyssa MCcall

Tammy W. Locklear

Tammy Blue

Tammy Duty

Tammy Holloway

Tanisha Douglas

Tanya Williams

Tashee Pore

Taylor N. Demery

Tenisha M. Monroe

Teresa Dudley

Teresa Robinson

Teresa Turner

Terri Cowan, PA

Terry Henry

Tina Driggers

Tisha Watkins

Tony Billips

Tonya Clarke

Tori Nicolosi

Tracie M. Stubbs

Trudy Holmes

Urena Ellison

Valerie "Nikki" Edge

Vaughn A. Alford

Velma Strickland

Velna Freeman

Victor Brown

Victoria Oxendine

Wanda Lockey

William G. Hatchell

Willie M. Cole

Yancey McGirt

Zachary B. Wortmann

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